Turtles are among the oldest reptiles species existing in the world’s oceans. Due to over exploitation turtles are now fast becoming an endangered species. Five of these endangered species visit the Rekawa (7 km east of Tangalle on the south coast of Sri Lanka ) every night all year around to lay eggs. The species are the Green Turtle, Olive Ridley Turtle, Leatherback Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle and the Loggerhead Turtle. An exhilarating night time adventure is guaranteed at this beautiful beach in Tangalle. Hotels that can accommodate you during your stay can be found here. Consider opting for an accommodation that is close to the beach with minimum travel time like Ranna212.
Turtle watching is an activity that requires a considerable amount of waiting as the nesting turtle can take up to 3 hours. Turtles are nervous especially during their nesting period so one must take care not to startle them. Once the turtle crawls up the beach she digs a hole and starts laying eggs. Approximately 80 to 100 white, table tennis shaped eggs can be laid in each nest. After the eggs are laid the turtle may rest a short while, cover up the hole and finally crawl down the beach.
Rekawa provides the perfect setting to watch this timeless ritual of female turtles nesting. It is recommended to make the excursion between the months of January and April when the full moon makes it easier to see the turtles. After 60 days the eggs hatch and the young hatchlings crawl down to the sea.
During your visit do keep in mind that eating turtle flesh or eggs and buying turtle products should be avoided at all costs as it will only continue to endanger this magnificent species. Also bear in mind that one should minimize light pollution and avoid disturbing the nesting turtles.
Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.