Maldives where over 90% of the territory is filled with water is undoubtedly a paradise. But, this mere reason itself has become a threat to Maldives at different occasions. The sea levels are being increased over the years and there are several other concerns to which proactive and reactive projects have been initiated.

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Marine life on the Maldives
Marine life in Maldives is vibrant and colourful with the sea plants and creatures in it. There are projects going on to save the injured turtles in the sea and take care of them in separate rescue centres.
Eventful diaries in Maldives
When any tourist books rooms and villas may it be at a luxury hotel or a residence apartment, he looks for the events that he could carry out in areas close by. When it’s Maldives, the activities cannot be any different to diving, snorkelling and fishing tours. There are projects like eco friendly scuba diving to add a sense of sustainability to all of that too.
Protecting Maldivian treasures
All resorts including Dhigali Maldives continuously work together with NGOs and other authorities to protect the diving places so that the places are safe for tourists coming too. There are also projects ongoing for the protection of the coral world in Maldives.
The futuristic view
Since there are several local projects carried out by the Maldivian community to protect the natural environment around, the futuristic vision is to have the tourists also engaged with these projects with sense of belongingness.