Ocean Holiday Maldives Sun Sand Ile Nature Beach | Maxpixel
Any kind of photography in the Maldives is bound to be amazing – the stunning backdrop of white sandy beaches, sunny skies, and crystal clear water as far as the eye can see, sets the perfect stage. Add in the array of beautiful luxury resorts, like the Adaaran Club Rannalhi, for instance, and you’re guaranteed a great picture in the Maldives. Places to visit for great images include the coral reefs, sandbars, and the various uninhabited islands.
While you can always get a good photo here, there still some things you can do to enhance them further. For one thing – take as many photos as you can. Try different angles, different positions, and keep your back to the sun. The more you experiment with angles, the more you are likely to take a better shot. Plus, you’re more likely to take memorable shots if you capture them successively, like dolphins surfacing or fish weaving among the corals. However, do remember to take time to enjoy the scenery with your eyes, not just through the lens,
Try to use as much natural light as possible, not too hard with clear skies 24/7, but keep in mind the sea is very reflective during the day so you may not be able to capture many colours when there’s too much light. Try to find a balance when it comes to lighting by using a polarizing filter. Polar lenses effectively blocks out reflections on the water’s surface, allowing for more natural colours to come through in the image.
Rays of sunshine peeping between palm trees or villas can make interesting shots if captured correctly, along with people and other factors in an image. Sunrise and sunsets are definitely something you have to experience in the Maldives. And if the timings right, you’ll get amazing shots of the sun as its dips below the horizon.
Catalina Forbes is a travel writer who bases her content on many thrilling escapades experienced across the world. Google+