The Maldives – a picture-perfect tropical paradise also has a rich heritage with a captivating world of ancient myths and legends. Read on to discover more about captivating local folklore and an intriguing side to this island nation.
Folklore & Mythology
Ancient folklore and mythology are intertwined with local culture and beliefs and have been passed orally through many generations. Since the country is surrounded by the vast ocean, it’s not unusual that the sea features prominently in Maldivian folklore and includes tales of fearsome sea demons and mischievous spirits. Rest assured, these fantastical creatures are confined to legend, leaving you free to enjoy plenty of water-based activities in Maldives both on and below the waves!
A Tragic Love Story
Love stories transcend cultures, and this enchanting destination boasts its own heart-wrenching tale. The legend of Ali Fulhu and Dhon Hiyala, a Romeo and Juliet-esque saga, captures the power of love amidst adversity. This epic love story is filled with triumphs and challenges, including the unwanted attention of a powerful king. While the ending may be tragic, their love story continues to resonate; it’s no surprise then, that private island resorts like Kandolhu Maldives are so popular for romantic getaways, of course, with a happily ever after!
The Nation’s Conversion to Islam
The conversion of the Maldives to Islam in 1153 AD is also woven into the fabric of folklore. Legend tells of a monstrous sea demon, Rannamaari, who demanded a virgin sacrifice every month. Enter Abu al-Barakat Yusuf al-Barbari, a Moroccan scholar, who bravely offered himself in place of the next victim. By reciting verses from the Quran throughout the night, he is said to have driven the demon away, paving the way for the king’s conversion to Islam and the nation following suit.

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives via pexels
The Mystical Arrival of Coconuts
According to local legend, when the first settlers arrived, there were no palm trees, and the islanders thus lacked a vital source of food, drink, and building materials. A resourceful sorcerer devised a magical concoction, placing it in the skulls of deceased islanders buried in the graveyard. Miraculously, from each skull sprouted a flourishing coconut palm, saving the population. Some also say that the three indentations you find on a coconut when you remove the husk resemble a face, which ties in perfectly with this enthralling tale!